Lígia Koijen Ramos

Master Coach.
Boost yourself to the life you deserve.

Coaching | Consultancy | Key-speaker

Lígia Koijen Ramos

Boost yourself to the life you deserve.

“I’m a philosopher, master coach and a change master.
I’ve spent the last two decades studying and working with communication, relationships and leadership.”


Welcome to Ligia Koijen Ramos – Coaching for Transformation!

For over 25 years, I have had the privilege of guiding individuals on their personal and professional journeys towards self-discovery and growth. My coaching approach is not just about achieving goals; it’s about fostering a profound transformation that transcends the surface level changes. What sets my coaching apart is the distinctive blend of philosophy, neuroscience, and embodiment, creating a powerful synergy that propels you towards lasting change.

In a world inundated with quick fixes and one-size-fits-all solutions, I firmly believe that true transformation requires a deeper, more holistic approach. By intertwining the wisdom of philosophy, the insights from cutting-edge neuroscience, and the practice of embodiment, I offer a unique path towards self-realization and empowerment.


 At the heart of my coaching philosophy are three core values: connection, congruency, and love. I believe that genuine connections with oneself and others are the foundation for growth. Congruency, or alignment with one’s true self, is the compass that guides us toward authenticity. Love, both for oneself and for the world around us, fuels the journey towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

I invite you to explore my website, where you will find valuable resources, testimonials, and information about my coaching programs. Whether you are seeking personal growth, professional development, or a profound transformation in your life, my unique approach can empower you to achieve your goals while fostering a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Thank you for considering me as your coach on this remarkable journey. Together, we can unlock your full potential and create the life you truly desire.


Life is a continues discovery and I am very curious about it. 
I decide to believe and to be alive, even if the context arrives with big challenges. 

 Sometimes we can have the desire of changing life, but maybe we can start focusing on changing context, perspective and the way we move and decide inside of our own life. Growing our talents and discovering new possibilities based how what we want. 

Ligia is a certified trainer in Neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis.


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